
Using the cross-registration system, students can choose from 7,000 undergraduate courses offered at our five institutions.

Five College Course Schedule

Use this form to search for courses available for cross registration at each consortium campus. To register for a course at another campus, follow your home campus' process (see Cross-Registration Guidelines). Contact your home campus registrar for guidance. To find courses recommended by a Five College academic program, navigate to the program through our Academics page.

Fall 2024 semester pre-registration courses (changing daily):

Fall 2024 courses for Hampshire College, Smith College, UMass Amherst, Mount Holyoke College, and Amherst College are available now.

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Subject Course # Sect # Type Course Title Instructor(s) Institution Meeting Times
SPAN 240 01 New Latin Am Documentary Paul Schroeder Amherst College TTH 01:00PM-02:20PM
SPAN 351 01 Love and Promiscuity Ibtissam Bouachrine Amherst College W 02:00PM-04:30PM
SPAN 352 01 Barcelona Sara Brenneis Amherst College TTH 10:00AM-11:20AM
SPAN 394 01 Spanglish Ilan Stavchansky Amherst College TTH 11:30AM-12:50PM
SPAN 490 01 Special Topics The Department Amherst College
STAT 111E 01 Intro to Statistics Amy Wagaman Amherst College TTH 10:00AM-11:20AM; M 10:00AM-10:50AM
STAT 135 01 Intro to Stat Modeling Albert Kim Amherst College TTH 11:30AM-12:50PM; M 11:00AM-11:50AM
STAT 135 02 Intro to Stat Modeling Pamela Matheson Amherst College MW 12:30PM-01:50PM; F 12:00PM-12:50PM
STAT 135 03 Intro to Stat Modeling Pamela Matheson Amherst College MW 02:00PM-03:20PM; F 02:00PM-02:50PM
STAT 230 01 Intermediate Statistics Shu-Min Liao Amherst College TTH 01:00PM-02:20PM; F 01:00PM-01:50PM
STAT 231 01 Data Science Alexander Baldenko Amherst College TTH 02:30PM-03:50PM
STAT 360 01 Probability Amy Wagaman Amherst College MW 02:00PM-03:50PM
STAT 490 01 Special Topics The Department Amherst College
STAT 495 01 Advanced Data Analysis Albert Kim Amherst College TTH 08:30AM-09:50AM; M 09:00AM-09:50AM
SWAG 100 01 Construction of Gender Michele Barale Amherst College TTH 01:00PM-02:20PM
SWAG 106 01 Realism Benson Lieber Amherst College MWF 12:00PM-12:50PM
SWAG 160 01 Sexualities in IR Manuela Picq Amherst College MW 02:00PM-03:20PM
SWAG 246 01 Black Girlhood Studies Dominique Hill Amherst College MW 02:30PM-03:50PM
SWAG 310 01 Witch/Vampire/Monster Natasha Staller Amherst College TTH 02:30PM-03:50PM
SWAG 330 01 Black Sexualities Khary Polk Amherst College TTH 02:30PM-03:50PM
SWAG 347 01 Race, Sex & US Military Khary Polk Amherst College TTH 10:00AM-11:20AM
SWAG 400 01 Contemporary Debates Amrita Basu Amherst College W 02:00PM-04:30PM
SWAG 490 01 Special Topics The Department Amherst College
THDA 111 01 The Language of Movement Wendy Woodson Amherst College TTH 02:30PM-04:30PM
THDA 113 01 Action and Character Yagil Eliraz Amherst College MWF 02:00PM-04:00PM
THDA 115H 01 Contmp Dance:Mod 1/2 Dante Brown Amherst College MW 04:00PM-05:30PM
THDA 117H 01 Ctmp Dan Modern 3/4 Katie Martin Amherst College TTH 01:00PM-02:20PM
THDA 142H 01 Contmp Dance: W. African Marilyn Sylla Amherst College TTH 04:30PM-06:00PM
THDA 153 01 African-American Theater Ninoska Escobar Amherst College TTH 01:00PM-02:20PM
THDA 154 01 Reimagine the Classics Yagil Eliraz Amherst College MW 12:30PM-01:50PM
THDA 220 01 History of Opera David Schneider Amherst College MWF 02:00PM-02:50PM
THDA 243 01 Revolutions in Theater Boris Wolfson Amherst College TTH 02:30PM-03:50PM
THDA 261 01 Lighting Design Kathy Couch Amherst College T 01:00PM-04:00PM
THDA 263 01 Scene Design Suzanne Dougan Amherst College TTH 10:00AM-11:20AM
THDA 266 01 Ensemble: Dancing in Com Dante Brown Amherst College MW 05:30PM-07:00PM
THDA 266 02 Ensemble: Dancing in Com Dante Brown Amherst College MW 02:00PM-04:00PM
THDA 270 01 Playwriting I Karinne Syers Amherst College TTH 10:00AM-11:20AM
THDA 353 01 Performance Studio Wendy Woodson Amherst College F 01:00PM-04:00PM
THDA 360 01 Design Studio Suzanne Dougan Amherst College F 10:30AM-12:00PM
THDA 363 01 Design Studio II Suzanne Dougan Amherst College F 10:30AM-12:00PM
THDA 400H 01 Production Studio Wendy Woodson Amherst College F 09:30AM-10:30AM
THDA 490 01 Special Topics The Department Amherst College
CS 0100 0 Lecture Independent Study - 100 Level Hampshire College
CS 0114 1 Lecture Introduction to Philosophy Laura Sizer Hampshire College 12:30PM-01:50PM TU;12:30PM-01:50PM TH
CS 0125 1 Lecture Web Page Design Ajmal Jackson-Brown Hampshire College 01:00PM-02:20PM M;01:00PM-02:20PM W
CS 0142 1 Lecture Innovations for Change Sarah Partan;Jana Silver;Seeta Sistla Hampshire College 12:30PM-01:50PM TU;12:30PM-01:50PM TH
CS 0144 1 Lecture Introduction to Game Design Jennifer Gutterman Hampshire College 04:00PM-05:20PM M;04:00PM-05:20PM W
CS 0164 1 Lecture Memory Systems Melissa Burch Hampshire College 09:00AM-10:20AM M;09:00AM-10:20AM W
CS 0174 1 Lecture Computer Animation I Chris Perry Hampshire College 10:30AM-11:50AM TU;10:30AM-11:50AM TH
CS 0177 1 Lecture Aliens: Close Encounters of a Salman Hameed Hampshire College 04:00PM-06:50PM M