Student Opportunities
Whether it's classes, clubs, concerts or meals, opportunities available to students on their home campus are often available to students from the other Five College campuses.
- If a class on another campus is perfect for your major or simply sounds intriguing, chances are, it's available for you to enroll in; just talk to your advisor.
- If you're enrolled in a class on another campus, or just want to check another campus out--ride the bus! The PVTA is free, and runs regularly to each campus, to area downtowns and the mall.
- If you're on a meal plan at your home campus and are taking a course on another campus at mealtime, you can arrange to eat on that campus as part of your meal plan.
- Most clubs and extracurriculars open to students on their home campuses are open to all Five College students. Just check with the group you're interested in joining.
To find out about student events on other campuses or to post your own event, visit the Five College Calendar of Events.
Accessibility Services
Students with disabilities may obtain accommodations and services when taking courses at any of the Five Colleges. Students should use the Five College Accommodations Request Form below to make a request for support.
Download the Five College Accommodations Request Form
The form must be signed by the home campus Disability/Accessibility Services Director and the student. Students must then deliver the form to the corresponding person at the host campus. Students who have provided the appropriate documentation to the home campus will, in most cases, not need to provide this again to the host campus.
However, students should plan to make an appointment to meet with the Disability/Accessibility Services Office at the host school to learn about policies and procedures unique to that campus.
To ensure that accommodations and services can be arranged, students should make accomodation and service requests two weeks in advance for exam accommodations, and four weeks in advance for accommodations that require planning, such as arranging for sign language interpreters, C-Print, or books in alternative formats. Check with the host school to see if they can accommodate you if you have missed these guidelines.
Event Planning
Students planning an event on any of our campuses should check out these guidelines and resources.
LGBTQ Resources
A rich assortment of organizations and resources cater to the LGBTQ communities at the campuses, and in the community at large. Through these resources, the campuses of the consortium seek to support and advocate for all LGBT students and advocate for the respect and safety of all members of their communities.
Meal Exchange
In support of Five College academic opportunities, a dining meal exchange is available for any student enrolled in a meal plan at one of the five colleges. A request for participating in the meal exchange will be granted for academic reasons only. Other meal exchange requests, for which there is a compelling reason, will be reviewed on an individual basis.
To request permission to participate in the meal exchange a student must follow the guidelines provided by the Dining Service office on the home campus where the student has enrolled in a meal plan. With the application the student must provide documentation of enrollment in a course at the other campus where the student is seeking permission to eat under the meal exchange program.
To utilize the meal exchange or obtain further information, contact the Dining Service office on your home campus. The links below connect to details and contact information for meal exchange at the campuses.
Multicultural Resources
The multicultural organizations and resources support students of color at the campuses of the consortium. They may provide any of the following to students: programs and workshops; fostering leadership skills; support for student affinity groups and student leaders; and much more.
Religious and Spiritual Life
Through their respective programs for religious and spiritual life, the campuses of the consortium seek to stimulate and nurture spiritual development, religious practice, tolerance, and social engagement consistent with the values of academic freedom, mutual respect, diversity, and interfaith dialogue.
Student Clubs and Organizations
Most clubs, intramural sports and extracurricular activities on each Five College campus are open to Five College students. The exception is varsity sports, which in most cases are not open to students from other campuses.
Student Events Funding
The Student Coordinating Board, made up of student leaders from each Five College campus, often has funds available to support events aimed at bringing together students from all five campuses. Contact Kevin Kennedy.
Student Life Offices
The Student Life offices on the campuses provide opportunities to join a supportive and diverse community. There are always ways to enrich learning and experiences outside the classroom.