Theater and Dance 111 - The Language of Movement

Wendy Woodson
TTH 02:30PM-04:30PM
Amherst College
WEBS 117

An introduction to movement as a language and to dance and performance composition. In studio sessions students will explore and expand their individual movement vocabularies by working improvisationally with weight, posture, gesture, patterns, rhythm, space, and relationship of body parts. We will ask what these vocabularies might communicate about emotion, thought, physical structures, cultural/social traditions, and aesthetic preferences. In addition, we will observe movement practices in everyday situations and in formal performance events and use these observations as inspiration for individual and group compositions. Two two-hour class/studio meetings and a two-hour production workshop per week. Selected readings and viewing of video and live performance.

Limited to 20 students (6 spots reserved for first-year students). Fall semester. Professor Woodson.

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.