Theater and Dance 113 - Action and Character

Yagil Eliraz
MWF 02:00PM-04:00PM
Amherst College
WEBS 122

This course examines the creation of dramatic action and character from the points of view of  both the playwright and the actor.  Students learn how to analyze and bring dramatic texts to life through a creative process, using the body, voice and imagination.

Classwork includes regular acting exercises designed to develop craft and to give students an understanding of creative and collaborative processes. Homework includes regular rehearsal assignments and theoretical texts, along with practical research and short writing assignments in various modes.  Two two-hour class meetings per week.  In addition, a lab component (equivalent to two hours per week) puts class study into production context.

Limited to 20 students (In the Fall, 6 spots reserved for first-year students). Fall semester: Professor Eliraz.



Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.