Resources managed by Five Colleges.
In addition academic and community programming, Five Colleges facilitates a variety of administrative resources for our campuses and our community partners.

Risk Management
Five College Risk Management is a shared administrative program providing risk management, enterprise risk management, and insurance solutions to the four private colleges in our Five College Consortium.

Five College Net
The 53-mile-long network furnishes virtually unlimited bandwidth for educational and research purposes to the member institutions of Five Colleges.

Plus One Network
Provides spouses/partners with links to job postings at colleges, universities, and independent schools in New England and New York, plus free access to networking events, workshops, and speakers; relocation tools; and opportunities to connect with other dual-career couples.

Library Repository Collection
The items in the Repository Collection circulate infrequently but retain intellectual and research value. The Collection is housed at two locations: the Bunker in Amherst and the Library Annex in Hatfield.
Hawley Bog & Field Reserves
Field reserves for teaching and research, as well as for habitat protection, are maintained by the consortium and its member campuses.