Spanish 352 - Barcelona

Sara Brenneis
TTH 10:00AM-11:20AM
Amherst College
BARR 105

[RC] As a global city with a local identity, Barcelona resides both literally and figuratively at the border between Spain and the rest of the world. This interdisciplinary course will explore the in-between space this vibrant city inhabits in the twenty-first century, at once imagined as a tourist’s playground in films and popular novels, while also actively guarding its particular Catalan cultural roots. Students will study architectural, literary, cinematic, linguistic and political movements set amid the urban cityscape of Barcelona, focusing on the city's role in the exportation of a unique Spanish and Catalan identity beyond Spain’s borders. Conducted in Spanish.

Requisite: SPAN 211 or consent of the instructor. Fall semester. Professor Brenneis.


Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.