Funding Opportunities
Five Colleges offers several funding streams to support small- and large-scale collaborative, cross-campus events and initiatives. Funding is available for faculty- and student-initiated events. See contact information at the bottom of this page if you have any questions.
Lecture Fund
Who can apply: Faculty; Students with faculty sponsors
Eligible uses: One-time events (lectures, performances, small exhibitions, etc.)
Award amount: $200–$2,000; No more than 75% of total event budget
Eligibility requirements: Faculty members from at least 3 campuses substantively involved in event planning, OR Events sited on at least 2 campuses, OR Financial and/or in-kind contributions from at least 3 campuses, OR A combination thereof
Deadline: Rolling; Apply 4 to 6 weeks before event
Availability of funds: Academic (fiscal) year – cannot be rolled over
Application: Available at https://www.fivecolleges.edu/faculty/lecturefund
Symposium Fund
Who can apply: Faculty
Eligible uses: Multi-event/multi-day symposia or conferences; residencies
Award Amount: $2,000-$15,000 per event (typically $2,000-$6,000). Generally no more than 75% of total event budget; rarely up to 100% of total event budget.
Eligibility requirements: Faculty members from at least 3 campuses substantively involved in event planning, OR Events sited on at least 3 campuses, OR Programming features faculty members from at least 3 campuses (e.g., as speakers), OR Substantial financial and/or in-kind contributions from at least 3 campuses, OR A combination thereof
Deadline: 2x/year; Next deadlines: November 1, 2024 (for events taking place January 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026); March 1, 2025 (for events taking place July 1, 2025 – December 31, 2026)
Availability of funds: Can be rolled over up to three semesters
Application: Available at https://www.fivecolleges.edu/faculty/symposium-fund
Faculty Seminar Program
Who can apply: Faculty
Eligible uses: Series of events (sharing works-in-progress, etc.) as planned by seminar chair for regular seminar members
Award Amount: Up to $1,000/year
Eligibility requirements: Seminar members must include faculty from at least 3 campuses, preferably all 5
Deadline: May 1 for next academic year. Contact Ray Rennard, below, to apply outside this cycle.
Availability of funds: Academic (fiscal) year – cannot be rolled over
Application: Download at https://www.fivecolleges.edu/faculty/faculty-seminars
Student Coordinating Board
Who can apply: Students
Eligible uses: Non-academic events for primarily student audience of all five campuses
Award Amount: Up to $1,000, up to 50% of total budget
Eligibility requirements: Events must be open to all Five College students
Deadline: Rolling
Availability of funds: Academic (fiscal) year – cannot be rolled over
Application: Download at https://www.fivecolleges.edu/about/student-opportunties/student-coordinating-board Applicants must also present (in-person or remotely) at Student Coordinating Board meeting at least 2 weeks before event.
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