Each of the libraries has distinctive collections, most of which are broadly accessible for use by students and faculty members.
About our Consortial Library Efforts
Established as an academic library consortium in 1965, the Five College Libraries operate as a shared ecosystem, collectively providing approximately ten million items (and counting) to the faculty, students, staff, and local communities of Amherst, Mount Holyoke, Smith, and Hampshire Colleges and the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Circulating print materials at each individual library are requestable across the Five Colleges and deliveries are made to each campus once a day or more. Most items are also available via InterLibrary Loan to communities beyond the Five Colleges.
In addition to the library buildings on each campus, the Five College Libraries operate two off-site collections storage facilities: the Library Annex in North Hatfield and the Depository in Amherst. Materials housed in these off-site facilities are also requestable and often delivered within a day. Each individual campus maintains a number of its own electronic resource subscriptions while many electronic resources are accessible across the consortium.
Each campus’ local collection has historically been developed to support the ever-evolving research and curricular needs of its constituents, and a significant percentage of the materials on each campus are unique within the Five Colleges. The consortium is therefore able to provide a much wider range of materials than is often available through a single academic library.
Access Library Catalogs

Borrowing Privileges
Five College students, faculty, and staff may borrow books and other media from campus libraries which can delivered to the home library for pickup or accessed in person . A valid campus ID also allows borrowing privileges at all main libraries and most major branch libraries in the Pioneer Valley.

Five College Library Repository Collection
The Five College Library Repository Collection (FCLRC) includes about 820,000 items, consisting primarily of print materials with intellectual and research value. These lesser-used and infrequently circulating periodicals, serials, and books are drawn from the Five College libraries and affiliate members.
The Repository Collection, formerly known as the Depository, is housed at two locations: the Bunker in Amherst and the Library Annex in Hatfield.

Five College Librarians Council
The Five College Librarians Council (FCLC) provides leadership for shared strategic goals and develops collaborative efforts to improve access to information resources for the Five College community. FCLC oversees the Five College Library Repository Collection and consortial borrowing arrangements. The group governs the work of Five College library committees, task forces, and working groups, as well as manages the Five College library budget.
Five College Libraries

Library Repository Collection Manager
Contact the Repository Collection Manager about materials in the collection, and for inquiries related to the Bunker.