Five College Associates
The Five College Associates Program was established in 1982 to provide scholars in transition with a continuing professional affiliation in support of their research and careers. It serves former faculty members as well as scholar spouses and partners of current faculty members affiliated with one of the five institutions. In its inaugural year, the program received national recognition from the Academy for Educational Development, which awarded Five Colleges a certificate of achievement for this effort to serve scholars.
Persons eligible for appointment as Five College Associates are those with active academic interests
holding advanced post‐baccalaureate degrees, including those who previously taught full‐time at one of the five campuses, partners or spouses of faculty members employed at one of campuses, and independent scholars in the Pioneer Valley without an appointment at one of the campuses. A nomination or re-nomination may only be submitted by an Academic Dean at one of the five institutions. Once approved, a letter of appointment is sent to the new Associate by the Executive Director of Five Colleges, Incorporated.
The number of Associateships varies from year to year. Appointments are made throughout the year for periods of one to three years. An Associateship may be renewed or extended with the nominating Dean's approval.
- a formal affiliation with Five Colleges, Incorporated
- specified in-person faculty privileges that include borrowing from the main library collections and participating in faculty seminars and lecture series
- use of limited clerical facilities at the Five College center, to the extent available
- assistance in administering grants
- use of the resources of the Plus One Network
Those seeking further information are advised to speak with an Academic Dean at one of the five institutions. Respective Deans please contact Ray Rennard at 413-542-4011 or rrennard@fivecolleges.edu for the nomination form.