
Using the cross-registration system, students can choose from 7,000 undergraduate courses offered at our five institutions.

Five College Course Schedule

Use this form to search for courses available for cross registration at each consortium campus. To register for a course at another campus, follow your home campus' process (see Cross-Registration Guidelines). Contact your home campus registrar for guidance. To find courses recommended by a Five College academic program, navigate to the program through our Academics page.

Fall 2024 semester pre-registration courses (changing daily):

Fall 2024 courses for Hampshire College, Smith College, UMass Amherst, Mount Holyoke College, and Amherst College are available now.

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Subject Course # Sect # Type Course Title Instructor(s) Institution Meeting Times
COLL 211 01 Reflecting: Intern./Research Eleanor Townsley Mount Holyoke College M 07:00PM-10:00PM
COMSC 100 01 Intro Computer Science Janet Slocum Mount Holyoke College TTH 08:35AM-09:50AM
COMSC 100L 01 Intro. Computer Sci. Lab Janet Slocum Mount Holyoke College W 01:15PM-03:05PM
COMSC 100L 02 Intro. Computer Sci. Lab Janet Slocum Mount Holyoke College TH 01:15PM-03:05PM
COMSC 101 01 Problem Solving/Object Prog Lisa Ballesteros Mount Holyoke College TTH 10:00AM-11:15AM
COMSC 101 02 Problem Solving/Object Prog Valerie Barr Mount Holyoke College MW 11:00AM-12:15PM
COMSC 101L 01 Problem Solving Lab Lisa Ballesteros Mount Holyoke College W 01:15PM-04:05PM
COMSC 101L 02 Problem Solving Lab Lisa Ballesteros Mount Holyoke College TH 01:15PM-04:05PM
COMSC 101L 03 Problem Solving Lab Valerie Barr Mount Holyoke College M 01:15PM-04:05PM
COMSC 101L 04 Problem Solving Lab Valerie Barr Mount Holyoke College T 01:15PM-04:05PM
COMSC 101L 05 Problem Solving Lab Valerie Barr Mount Holyoke College F 01:15PM-04:05PM
COMSC 109 01 iDesign Studio Peter Klemperer Mount Holyoke College T 01:15PM-02:30PM;TH 01:15PM-04:05PM
COMSC 201 01 Adv Object-Orientd Programming Yueming Yang Mount Holyoke College TTH 10:00AM-11:15AM
COMSC 201 02 Adv Object-Orientd Programming Audrey St. John Mount Holyoke College MW 11:00AM-12:15PM
COMSC 201L 01 Adv Object-Orientd Prgm Lab Yueming Yang Mount Holyoke College W 01:15PM-04:05PM
COMSC 201L 02 Adv Object-Orientd Prgm Lab Yueming Yang Mount Holyoke College TH 01:15PM-04:05PM
COMSC 201L 03 Adv Object-Orientd Prgm Lab Audrey St. John Mount Holyoke College M 01:15PM-04:05PM
COMSC 201L 04 Adv Object-Orientd Prgm Lab Audrey St. John Mount Holyoke College T 01:15PM-04:05PM
COMSC 211 01 Data Structures Eitan Mendelowitz Mount Holyoke College TTH 01:15PM-02:30PM;F 09:00AM-09:50AM
COMSC 211 02 Data Structures Louis Conover Mount Holyoke College MW 02:40PM-03:55PM;F 02:15PM-03:05PM
COMSC 221 01 Computer Sys./Assembly Lang. Lisa Ballesteros Mount Holyoke College TTH 11:30AM-12:45PM
COMSC 221L 01 Comp Sys/Assembly Lang. Lab Lisa Ballesteros Mount Holyoke College F 01:15PM-02:05PM
COMSC 221L 02 Comp Sys/Assembly Lang. Lab Lisa Ballesteros Mount Holyoke College F 03:15PM-04:05PM
COMSC 226 01 Engineering Robotic Systems Peter Klemperer Mount Holyoke College M 01:15PM-02:30PM;W 01:15PM-04:05PM
COMSC 243EM 01 Embodied Interaction Eitan Mendelowitz Mount Holyoke College MW 02:40PM-03:55PM;F 02:15PM-03:05PM
COMSC 285 01 MaGE Practicum Audrey St. John Mount Holyoke College T 04:15PM-05:30PM
COMSC 295 01 Independent Study Yueming Yang Mount Holyoke College
COMSC 295 02 Independent Study Barbara Lerner Mount Holyoke College
COMSC 295 03 Independent Study Peter Klemperer Mount Holyoke College
COMSC 295P 01 Independent Study W/ Practicum Barbara Lerner Mount Holyoke College
COMSC 295P 02 Independent Study W/ Practicum Peter Klemperer Mount Holyoke College
COMSC 295P 03 Independent Study W/ Practicum Heather Pon-Barry Mount Holyoke College
COMSC 312 01 Algorithms Daniel Sheldon Mount Holyoke College TTH 10:00AM-11:15AM;F 10:00AM-10:50AM
COMSC 322 01 Operating Systems Barbara Lerner Mount Holyoke College MW 11:00AM-12:15PM;F 11:00AM-11:50AM
COMSC 322 02 Operating Systems Barbara Lerner Mount Holyoke College TTH 02:40PM-03:55PM;F 03:15PM-04:05PM
COMSC 341SC 01 Scientific Computing Yueming Yang Mount Holyoke College MW 08:35AM-09:50AM;F 09:00AM-09:50AM
COMSC 343 01 Programming Languages Valerie Barr Mount Holyoke College TTH 08:35AM-09:50AM;M 03:15PM-04:05PM
COMSC 395 01 Independent Study Barbara Lerner Mount Holyoke College
COMSC 395 02 Independent Study Peter Klemperer Mount Holyoke College
COMSC 395 03 Independent Study Yueming Yang Mount Holyoke College
COMSC 395 04 Independent Study Eitan Mendelowitz Mount Holyoke College
COMSC 395P 01 Independent Study W/ Practicum Heather Pon-Barry Mount Holyoke College
CST 249DD 01 Diversity/Inclusiveness/Democ Mary Renda Mount Holyoke College M 01:15PM-04:05PM;F 01:15PM-02:05PM
CST 249RP 01 Race, Racism, and Power Vanessa Rosa Mount Holyoke College MW 08:35AM-09:50AM
CST 249TR 01 Trans* Ident. & Communities Ren-yo Hwang Mount Holyoke College MW 11:00AM-12:15PM
CST 249WT 01 Soci. of 9/11 & War on Terror Nicole Michaud Wild Mount Holyoke College MW 02:40PM-03:55PM
CST 253 01 Critical Race Theory Lucas Wilson Mount Holyoke College W 01:15PM-04:05PM
CST 256 01 Rethinking (Under)Development Justin Crumbaugh Mount Holyoke College TTH 02:40PM-03:55PM
CST 295 01 Independent Study Iyko Day Mount Holyoke College
CST 342 01 Science as Culture Matthew Watson Mount Holyoke College W 07:00PM-09:50PM