Critical Social Thought 249WT - Soci. of 9/11 & War on Terror

Nicole Michaud Wild
MW 02:40PM-03:55PM
Mount Holyoke College
Dwight Hall 101
We will explore the cultural and political impact of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. The media's role in constructing meanings will be a main organizing focus of the course. Using readings, discussions, assignments, and films, the course will allow students to form a picture of how 9/11 changed America and beyond. Course topics include: the way the mainstream media constructed 9/11 and alternate ways they could have; how popular culture and the Public Sphere responded; complex historical factors leading up to 9/11; reasons the attackers say they committed the attacks; ways the event changed culture and politics in the world; conspiracy theories.
Prereq: SOCI-123.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.