
Using the cross-registration system, students can choose from 7,000 undergraduate courses offered at our five institutions.

Five College Course Schedule

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Spring 2025 semester pre-registration courses (changing daily):

Spring 2025 courses for Amherst College, Hampshire College, Mount Holyoke College, Smith College, and UMass Amherst are available now.

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Subject Course # Sect # Type Course Title Instructor(s) Institution Meeting Times
Subject GEOL Course # 271 Sect # 01 Type Course Title Mineralogy Instructor(s) Victor Guevara, John Cheney Institution Amherst College Meeting Times M 02:20PM-04:20PM; F 02:20PM-03:10PM
Subject GEOL Course # 291 Sect # 01 Type Course Title Structural Geology Instructor(s) Rachel Bernard, Tekla Harms Institution Amherst College Meeting Times MWF 11:20AM-12:10PM
Subject STAT Course # 495 Sect # 01 Type Course Title Advanced Data Analysis Instructor(s) Nicholas Horton Institution Amherst College Meeting Times MWF 08:50AM-09:40AM
Subject STAT Course # 495 Sect # 02 Type Course Title Advanced Data Analysis Instructor(s) Nicholas Horton Institution Amherst College Meeting Times MWF 11:20AM-12:10PM
Subject THDA Course # 230 Sect # 01 Type Course Title Elements of Performance Instructor(s) Ronald Bashford Institution Amherst College Meeting Times MW 02:10PM-03:30PM
Subject HACU Course # 0263 Sect # 1 Type Lecture Course Title Digital Architecture Studio Instructor(s) Thomas Long Institution Hampshire College Meeting Times 01:00PM-03:50PM TU;01:00PM-03:50PM TH
Subject DANCE Course # 318 Sect # 01 Type Lecture Course Title Advanced Modern Instructor(s) Barbie Diewald Institution Mount Holyoke College Meeting Times M 12:45PM-02:00PM;TTH 12:45PM-01:45PM;WF 12:45PM-02:30PM
Subject GEOG Course # 107 Sect # 01 Type Lecture Course Title Intro. to Physical Environment Instructor(s) Thomas Millette Institution Mount Holyoke College Meeting Times M 12:45PM-02:00PM;TTH 12:45PM-01:45PM;WF 12:45PM-02:30PM
Subject GEOG Course # 210 Sect # 01 Type Lecture Course Title GIS for Soc Sci & Humanities Instructor(s) Eugenio Marcano Institution Mount Holyoke College Meeting Times M 08:00AM-09:15AM;TTH 08:00AM-09:00AM;WF 08:00AM-09:45AM; -
Subject GEOG Course # 320 Sect # 01 Type Lecture Course Title Rsrch Meth. w/Geospatial Tech Instructor(s) Thomas Millette Institution Mount Holyoke College Meeting Times M 02:30PM-03:45PM;TTH 02:15PM-04:00PM;WF 03:00PM-04:00PM;M 02:30PM-03:45PM;TTH 02:15PM-04:00PM;WF 03:00PM-04:00PM; -
Subject SPAN Course # 250AT Sect # 01 Type Lecture Course Title Agency of Things Instructor(s) Megan Saltzman Institution Mount Holyoke College Meeting Times M 07:00PM-08:15PM;TTH 07:00PM-08:00PM;WF 07:00PM-08:45PM
Subject ARS Course # 266 Sect # 01 Type Studio Course Title PAINTING I Instructor(s) Elizabeth Meyersohn Institution Smith College Meeting Times MW 01:40-04:30
Subject ARS Course # 280 Sect # 01 Type Studio Course Title INTRO ARCHITECT DESIGN: ANALOG Instructor(s) Elisa Kim Institution Smith College Meeting Times MW 01:40-04:30
Subject ARS Course # 380 Sect # 01 Type Studio Course Title ARCHITECT DESGN STUDIO:TERREST Instructor(s) Elisa Kim Institution Smith College Meeting Times MW 09:20-12:10
Subject ENV Course # 202 Sect # 01 Type Lab Course Title RESEARCHING ENVIRO PROBS LAB Instructor(s) Alexander Barron Institution Smith College Meeting Times Th 01:40-04:30
Subject SDS Course # 192 Sect # 01 Type Lecture Course Title INTRO TO DATA SCIENCES Instructor(s) Benjamin Baumer Institution Smith College Meeting Times MWF 10:55-12:10
Subject SDS Course # 390 Sect # 03 Type Lecture Course Title TOPICS: ECOLOGICAL FORECASTING Instructor(s) Albert Kim Institution Smith College Meeting Times TTh 09:20-10:35
Subject SDS Course # 390 Sect # 04 Type Lecture Course Title TOPICS/STATISTICAL/DATA-BAYESN Instructor(s) Miles Ott Institution Smith College Meeting Times TTh 01:40-02:55
Subject ARCH Course # 230 Sect # 01 Type SEM Course Title Design Engagement Instructor(s) Joseph Krupczynski Institution UMass Amherst Meeting Times TH 10:00AM 12:30PM
Subject ARCH Course # 300 Sect # 03 Type STS Course Title Design I Instructor(s) Erika Zekos Institution UMass Amherst Meeting Times TU TH 10:00AM 12:45PM
Subject ARCH Course # 530 Sect # 01 Type SEM Course Title Design Engagement Instructor(s) Joseph Krupczynski Institution UMass Amherst Meeting Times TH 10:00AM 12:30PM
Subject ECO Course # 697DD Sect # 01 Type LEC Course Title ST-SpatialDatabases&DataInoper Instructor(s) Alexander Stepanov Institution UMass Amherst Meeting Times F 2:30PM 3:45PM; TH 2:30PM 3:45PM
Subject GEOGRAPH Course # 493S Sect # 01 Type SEM Course Title S-SpatialDecisionMaking&Supprt Instructor(s) Seda SALAP-AYCA Institution UMass Amherst Meeting Times TU 6:00PM 8:30PM
Subject GEOGRAPH Course # 691P Sect # 01 Type SEM Course Title S- GIS Programming Instructor(s) Seda SALAP-AYCA Institution UMass Amherst Meeting Times TH 9:45AM 12:45PM
Subject GEOGRAPH Course # 693S Sect # 01 Type SEM Course Title S-SpatialDecisionMaking&Supprt Instructor(s) Seda SALAP-AYCA Institution UMass Amherst Meeting Times TU 6:00PM 8:30PM
Subject HM&FNART Course # 191HFA61 Sect # 01 Type SEM Course Title FYS-GraphicNovel:Glimpse/Canon Instructor(s) Tiarra Cooper Institution UMass Amherst Meeting Times W 12:20PM 1:10PM
Subject NRC Course # 585 Sect # 01 Type SEM Course Title Introduction to GIS Instructor(s) Forrest Bowlick Institution UMass Amherst Meeting Times TH 11:30AM 12:45PM
Subject NRC Course # 585 Sect # 01LL Type LAB Course Title Introduction to GIS Instructor(s) Institution UMass Amherst Meeting Times F 9:05AM 12:05PM
Subject NRC Course # 585 Sect # 01LM Type LAB Course Title Introduction to GIS Instructor(s) Institution UMass Amherst Meeting Times F 1:25PM 4:25PM
Subject NRC Course # 585 Sect # 99LL Type LAB Course Title Introduction to GIS Instructor(s) Institution UMass Amherst Meeting Times TH 2:30PM 5:30PM
Subject PSYCH Course # 391QQ Sect # 01 Type SEM Course Title S-Animal Cognition Instructor(s) Agnes Lacreuse Institution UMass Amherst Meeting Times TU TH 11:30AM 12:45PM
Subject REGIONPL Course # 673 Sect # 01 Type SEM Course Title SpatialAnalysis&RegionalDevlpm Instructor(s) Henry Renski Institution UMass Amherst Meeting Times M W 2:30PM 3:45PM
Subject REGIONPL Course # 675 Sect # 02 Type LEC Course Title Regional Planning Studio I Instructor(s) Camille Barchers Institution UMass Amherst Meeting Times M W F 9:05AM 12:05PM
Subject SPP Course # 697B Sect # 01 Type LEC Course Title ST-Introduction to GIS Instructor(s) Forrest Bowlick Institution UMass Amherst Meeting Times TH 11:30AM 12:45PM
Subject SPP Course # 697B Sect # 01LL Type LAB Course Title ST-Introduction to GIS Instructor(s) Institution UMass Amherst Meeting Times F 9:05AM 12:05PM
Subject SUSTCOMM Course # 397R Sect # 01 Type SEM Course Title ST-Race,Gender,Sexualty/Urban Instructor(s) Darrel Ramsey-Musolf Institution UMass Amherst Meeting Times M W F 10:10AM 11:00AM