Ties That Bind

Ties That Bind: Connecting the US and East Asia(link is external) is an innovative collaborative digital mapping project that provides opportunities for users to learn about historical and contemporary people, places, events which connect the United States and East Asia. Teachers, students, organizations with an interest in Japan, and the general public will be able to access resources chronicling the breadth and depth of our ties via our digital collection.

The Ties That Bind map of the United States, housed on Historypin (historypin.org(link is external)) is populated with information – photographs, primary source documents and narratives -- that underscores the depth and breadth of relationships between the United States and East Asia.

Supplementary materials, including bibliographies and additional resources, along with announcements for project-related events, will be posted on this page. Check back often for updates.

Research Question Organizer(link is external)

Lesson Plans

Boston/Eastern Massachusetts as a Focus of 19th/Early 20th Century Migration
Karl R. Neumann, Dana Hall School, Wellesley, MA