Online Waiver Signing Instructions

Find instructions to sign your online Waiver or Informed Consent Form on this page.

All students participating in voluntary College activities are required to sign a waiver. This can include, but is not limited to Student Groups, International Travel, Internships and Club Sports. On this page, you will find instructions for logging into the Waiver Database and signing an existing waiver.

How to Access Your Form

  1. To access the website and sign your activity's waiver, please visit the Five College Waiver Form Access Page
  2. Select the "Five College Student, Faculty, and Staff" Log In.
  3. Select your college and enter your college user name and password.
  4. Use the drop-down boxes to select the college that is sponsoring your activity, your activity type (for instance, "Student Group" or "Internship"), and then the name of your activity. If you are uncertain about the name of your activity, please contact your activity's coordinator or Five College Risk Management for clarification.
  5. Once you have selected your activity, hit "Select."


How to Fill Out Your Form

  1. Make sure you read your waiver carefully. Please contact Five College Risk Management if you have any questions on its contents.
  2. Fill out every field. If you are signing a waiver for an internship, make sure to also include the host and location of your internship in the appropriate field.
  3. Pay special attention to the Risk Factors to Consider and Additional Instructions.
  4. Finally, if you agree to the terms of the waiver, enter your name and today's date at the bottom and type in the security captcha.
  5. Press Review.
  6. On the next screen, reread your entries, the waiver text, and the risk factors. If you need to make corrections, press Go Back. (Do not use the browser's Back button.) 
  7. If you are satisfied with the material, press Submit Form.
  8. If you need to submit a waiver for another activity, click on the link to do so. If not, close out your window and enjoy your activity!
  9. You will also receive a confirmation email with your name, activity name, the waiver text, further instructions, and the risk factors to keep for your records. Your activity's manager will also receive a copy of the email, which will let them know that you have signed the waiver and are able to take part in the activity. The email will not contain any of your personal information, such as your phone number, address, or student ID. 

Request an Online Form

If you are organizing a trip, you can request the creation of an online waiver or informed consent form for your trip using our webform.