Driver Safety
Only authorized credentialed drivers may drive on behalf of the College. Drivers must resubmit their credentials annually.
Five Colleges Office of Risk Management purchases a commercial auto liability insurance policy for all drivers of Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, Smith and Five Colleges, Inc. [collectively referred to hereafter as Five College] owned, leased or rented vehicles for College business. The credentialing policy also pertains to all drivers of motorized equipment and/or unregistered equipment owned by the College. UMass is not included in this program. In addition, drivers using personal vehicles in the performance of job related tasks may be covered for their liability "excess" of their own insurance. (There is no Five College coverage available for physical damage to personal vehicles.) Our insurer has strict underwriting regulations and requires each of the Colleges to "credential" all drivers in order to receive the benefits of the insurance policy. Please Note: Commuting to work is not considered "driving on college business".
Driver Credentialing Policy
Only authorized credentialed drivers may operate your school's owned vehicles or rent vehicles under the auspices of the College. Drivers who use their personal vehicle for employment related tasks still need to complete their driver credentials even though their insurance will be considered primary should an accident occur (see our recommendations regarding driving personal vehicles under the quick links above). The insurance company and the College reserve the right to decline to authorize any driver on the basis of an individual's traffic violation history or accident history.
Driver Minimum Requirements:
- Drivers must have a valid license issued from the US or US territories.
- Drivers must be at least 18 years old
- Drivers must have at least one year of driving experience, either in the US or internationally. (Individual Colleges may require more experience.)
- Drivers must be a student or employee of Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke or Smith College; an employee of Five Colleges, Inc.; an authorized volunteer or authorized by the director of conference/events services.
- Drivers must be Credentialed (see below).
- Drivers may not have had:
- More than 2 at-fault accidents in past 3 years
- Any Type A violations in past 3 years
- Any combination of three or more accidents and Type B violations in the past 3 years.
The Colleges reserve the right to (1) remove or deny driving privileges from any student or employee for accidents or violations (including violations of the Driver Agreement) involving College owned or rented vehicles, or (2) to use guidelines that are stricter than the insurance company's in deciding to authorize or de-credential drivers. The Colleges may, at their sole discretion, allow an employee who drives as a condition of employment to attend a College approved driver safety training program in lieu of losing driving privileges as a result of having had a combination of three or more accidents and/or Type B violations in the past three years. This does not apply to any Type A violations.
Type A Violations
- DUI / drugs or alcohol
- Negligent homicide
- Use of auto in commission of a felony
- Aggravated assault w/vehicle
- Operating w/o license
- Reckless driving
- Speed contest
- Hit & Run
- Leaving the scene
- School bus stopping flag violations (or similar)
Type B Violations
- all moving violations not Type A
Driver Agreement to Conditions, Rules and Regulations
The colleges have adopted a basic set of safety rules which all drivers must agree to as part of the credentialing process. Drivers are expected to drive safely at all times. Other rules listed on the credentialing form include administrative rules.
Driving a College vehicle, rented vehicles, a personal vehicle or other vehicles on behalf of the College is a privilege, not a right. The safety of passengers, pedestrians and others is every driver's highest priority. The following rules are included by reference on the credentialing form and, by submitting credentials each driver agrees to abide by the following terms, conditions, and rules and regulations.
Drivers Will:
Have and carry a valid driver's license while driving.
Adhere to the following terms of use:
- Use College vehicles for authorized business only.
- Not permit any unauthorized person to drive the vehicle. Unauthorized drivers may be personally liable for any accident or loss.
- Operate the College vehicle in accordance with College regulations, as may be provided in writing or verbally, and know and observe all applicable traffic laws, ordinances and regulations.
- Not transport unauthorized passengers such as hitchhikers. Not transport any alcohol (unless specifically permitted, e.g., dining or conference services), drugs, or other contraband in any College vehicle.
- Not drive the vehicle "off road" unless it is appropriate and authorized for that use.
Follow these minimum safety requirements:
- Use seat belts or other available occupant restraints and require all occupants to use seat belts or occupant restraints, in accordance with state laws and not operate the vehicle unless all occupants are wearing the appropriate restraints. Never permit total occupancy to exceed the number of seat belts.
- Use safe driving principles, practices and techniques at all times.
- Not drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Not drive if using a medication that impairs judgment, reflexes or alertness.
- Turn the vehicle off, remove the keys, and lock the vehicle when it is left unattended.
- Not drive the vehicle at speeds that are inappropriate for road conditions.
- Not use a cell phone (including "hands free" cell phones, texting, PDAs, computers or any other device)when the vehicle is moving or engage in other distracting behavior. If the driver must make or take a call or text message, the vehicle must be safely stopped and secured (parked), before using a cell phone.
- Before leaving the parking area or garage, particularly with a rental vehicle or a vehicle that driver does not ordinarily drive, be reasonably satisfied that the following parts and components are in good working order. This includes, but is not limited too:
- Service Brakes
- Parking Brake
- Steering Mechanism
- Lights/Reflector Devices
- Tires/Wheels
- Horn
- Windshield Wipers/Washers
- Rear-Vision Mirrors
- Coupling Devices (if applicable)
- Report any defects immediately to the vehicle coordinator to determine if the vehicle is safe to operate.
Perform required administrative responsibilities:
- Report all accidents or traffic violations involving a College vehicle or while driving on College business to the vehicle coordinator and other offices as directed, according to College policy.
- Immediately report any changes in license status (such as points, suspension or revocation) and any other at-fault accidents that occur whether or not the accident or violation occurred while driving on College business to the Risk Management Office, and accept suspension of driving privileges if applicable.
- Personally assume responsibility for any and all fines or traffic violations associated with use of a College vehicle or privately-owned vehicle used on College business.
- Agree and accept that failure to follow driving rules may result in temporary or permanent suspension of driving privileges, or have more serious consequences.
Please note: Departments will be responsible for deductibles incurred for "at-fault" accidents by department members. An "at-fault" or surchargable accident or other violations of this agreement may result in revocation of driving privileges or other disciplinary action.

Auto Accidents, Emergencies & Claims
Learn what to do if you are involved in an accident, experience a breakdown, or notice damage to your rental vehicle.

Transportation for Field Trips
For events that students are required to participate in, the college should not mandate a student use their personal vehicle. Learn more about your transportation options for field trips and more.
Driver Safety Training
Some schools require additional training for students and staff seeking to obtain driver credentials. These colleges have selected an online Driver Safety training course promoted by United Educators, our insurance provider, to meet their training needs.
The course takes between 45 minutes to an hour to complete, and there is a quiz. The passing score is 80%. After you complete the quiz your information goes into a report that Five College Risk Management and your College will receive. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Accessing the Training
You can access the Driver Safety course via UE's online learning portal. Answers the questions below for customized instructions for your campus.
Please use Firefox, Google Chrome, or Safari to access the course, and be sure to disable your pop-up blocker.
United Educator’s Help Desk
If you have any issues while taking the course, please feel free to contact United Educator’s Help Desk or check out the UE help portal.
A: College business can be described as travel related to any college-sanctioned activity, such as job-related tasks for employees, or events/activities done on behalf of student groups. This includes, but is not limited to: attending meetings, seminars, conferences, picking up products that will be used by the college, and transporting visitors or supplies across campus. Commuting to work is not considered college business.
A: Regardless of whether you drive a personal vehicle or a college-owned vehicle, if you are driving on college business, you should go through the credentialing process before driving. Note that you will be asked to update your “credentials” on an annual basis.
A: As soon as you submit a credentialing application, you are approved to drive on college business, until and unless any of the following three things happen:
- Your license expires
- Your credentials expire (they are good for one year).
- The results of their driving record check indicate that you fail to meet minimum requirements of our Driver Policy.
You will receive email notification from the Office of Risk Management in all of these cases.
A: If you believe that your employee may have occasion to drive on college business while performing their job, the employee should be credentialed before driving. If you are hiring an employee who will need to drive as part of their job, be sure to inform HR that this is the case and ask them to work with the Office of Risk Management for a Post-Offer Pre-Hire Driver Credentialing Check.