Mount Holyoke College Reporting

NOTE: If you believe a minor is in immediate danger, do not use this form.
Immediately call Campus Security at 413-538-2304 or 911.

When Should You Use This Form?

  • If you know of, suspect, or receive information that the health & safety of a minor may be at risk (Concerns may include a specific incident that occurred on/off campus, a suspicion of abuse or neglect, or a suspicion that a minor may be a threat to themselves or to others);
  • If you know of, suspect, or receive information that a policy violation has occurred;

Anyone may contact the Massachusetts Department of Children & Families directly using the Child-at-Risk Hotline, any time of the day or night, at 800-792-5200.

Who Is Required To Report Concerns of Child Safety?

  • Any college faculty, staff, student, or volunteer participating in a college sponsored activity
  • Mandated reporters under M.G.L. c. 119, § 51A
  • Campus security authorities, under the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act
  • Title IX coordinator and deputy coordinators

What if a Victim Requests Confidentiality?

Any incident that puts the safety of a minor at risk must be reported, regardless of the desire of the minor.

What Happens with the Information You Provide?

The College is committed to protecting minors.  Because of the sensitive safety concerns and the potential need for immediate action, this report will be submitted to the appropriate parties for investigation including but not limited to, Campus Police, Risk Management, and Title IX. 

Minor Safety Concern Report Form

Type of Concern

Type of Concern

Reporter Information

Affiliation to Mount Hoyloke

Minor Information

Please enter information if available.

Incident Information

Affiliation to Mount Hoyloke
Please describe where the incident took place.

Other Parties

Enter what information you have available.
