Our main office is located at 97 Spring Street in downtown Amherst.
Those flying to the area should land at Bradley International Airport in Connecticut, which is approximately one hour’s drive from downtown Amherst on Interstate 91. All visitors should park in the spaces available on the circular driveway at the entrance to the building.
From all directions
From the Mass Pike (I-90) take Exit 4 onto I-91 north. Take Exit 19 to Rte. 9 east in Northampton. Take Rte. 9 approximately six miles through Hadley to the intersection of Rtes. 9 and 116 (at the top of the hill) in downtown Amherst. Go straight through the lights and take the second left, onto Seelye Street. Turn right onto Spring Street. Five Colleges is on the right at 97 Spring.
Go east on the Mass Pike (Route 90) to Interstate 91 north. From I-91 north, take Exit 19 to Rte. 9 east in Northampton. Take Rte. 9 approximately six miles through Hadley to the intersection of Rtes. 9 and 116 (at the top of the hill) in downtown Amherst. Go straight through the lights and take the second left, onto Seelye Street. Turn right onto Spring Street. Five Colleges is on the right at 97 Spring.
From Route 2 west take Exit 16 to Rte. 202 south in Orange. Follow Rte. 202 south to Amherst Road in Pelham (approximately 13 miles). Turn right onto Amherst Road (which eventually becomes Main Street in Amherst). Drive to the intersection of Main Street and Triangle Street in Amherst (approximately six miles). Turn left onto Dickinson Street and right onto Spring Street. Five Colleges is on the left at 97 Spring.
Take I-91 south to Exit 24. Turn left at the exit onto Rte. 5 north. Turn right at the second set of lights onto Rte. 116 South. Stay on 116 for approximately 10 miles. At the intersection with Rte 9 in Amherst, turn left onto Rte. 9. Drive approximately 1.5 miles to the next intersection of Rtes. 9 and 116 in downtown Amherst. Go straight through the lights, and take the second left, onto Seelye Street. Turn right onto Spring Street. Five Colleges is on the right at 97 Spring.
Take Rte. 2 east to Greenfield. At the rotary take the first right onto I-91 south. Take I-91 south to Exit 24. Turn left from the exit, onto Rte. 5. Turn right at the first set of lights onto Rte. 116 South. Stay on 116 for approximately 10 miles. At the intersection with Rte 9 in Amherst, turn left onto Rte. 9. Drive approximately 1.5 miles to the intersection of Rtes. 9 and 116 in downtown Amherst. Go straight through the lights, and take the second left, onto Seelye Street. Turn right onto Spring Street. Five Colleges is on the right at 97 Spring.
From Interstate 91 north, take exit 19 to Rte. 9 east in Northampton. Take Rte. 9 approximately six miles through Hadley to the intersection of Rtes. 9 and 116 in downtown Amherst. Go straight through the lights and take the second left, onto Seelye Street. Turn right onto Spring Street. Five Colleges is on the right at 97 Spring.