Five College Dance Scholarships

Current Five College Students, please apply here for Five College Dance Scholarships for Summer Projects.

Current Five College Dance Second-Year-and-Above Students, please apply here for Five College Dance Scholarships. There are two categories for consideration. One is need dependent (up to $5000), the other is based on your participation across Five College Dance ($500). The timing of disbursement for funds makes this scholarship most useful for a summer study project. If you would like to suggest an alternative, please include it under the Summer Project Description. Awards may range from $500 for exemplary Five College participation, to $5000, which is need based and split among awardees. Please consider talking to the chair of your department or program to discuss your proposal before applying.

To fill out this form you will need to identify your summer project, explain its relevance to your development as a Five College dancer, and offer a basic budget, as well as give some background regarding your previous Five College Dance participation. Scholarships will be chosen by current Five College Dance chairs and heads of program. 

Look for next year's deadline here!