
Using the cross-registration system, students can choose from 7,000 undergraduate courses offered at our five institutions.

Five College Course Schedule

Use this form to search for courses available for cross registration at each consortium campus. To register for a course at another campus, follow your home campus' process (see Cross-Registration Guidelines). Contact your home campus registrar for guidance. To find courses recommended by a Five College academic program, navigate to the program through our Academics page.

Fall 2024 semester pre-registration courses (changing daily):

Fall 2024 courses for Hampshire College, Smith College, UMass Amherst, Mount Holyoke College, and Amherst College are available now.

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Subject Course # Sect # Type Course Title Instructor(s) Institution Meeting Times
PUBHLTH 296ISH 01 IND Honors Indstu in PubHlth UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
PUBHLTH 301 01 LEC Princ of Comm Health Education Alice Fiddian-Green UMass Amherst M W 2:30PM 3:45PM
PUBHLTH 307H 01 LEC Community-Based Inquiry, Hons Melody Slashinski UMass Amherst TU TH 8:30AM 9:45AM
PUBHLTH 323 01 SEM Public Health Communications Alexandra Purdue-Smithe UMass Amherst TU 4:00PM 6:30PM
PUBHLTH 323 02 SEM Public Health Communications Anna Mullany UMass Amherst TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM
PUBHLTH 323 03 SEM Public Health Communications Laura Fries UMass Amherst M 4:40PM 7:10PM
PUBHLTH 323 04 SEM Public Health Communications Denise Leckenby UMass Amherst TU TH 10:00AM 11:15AM
PUBHLTH 323 05 SEM Public Health Communications Brittany Rosen UMass Amherst TU TH 11:30AM 12:45PM
PUBHLTH 323 07 SEM Public Health Communications Oladele Oluwayiose UMass Amherst M W 2:30PM 3:45PM
PUBHLTH 324 01 LEC Epidemiology in Public Health Marquis Hawkins UMass Amherst TU TH 11:30AM 12:45PM
PUBHLTH 380 01 LEC Intro/Health Services Mgmt Christopher Jasinski UMass Amherst M 4:40PM 7:10PM
PUBHLTH 389 01 LEC Health Inequities Elena Nuciforo UMass Amherst W F 4:00PM 5:15PM
PUBHLTH 390AS 01 LEC Food Toxicology Alexander Suvorov UMass Amherst M W 11:15AM 12:30PM
PUBHLTH 390AT 01 LEC Introduction to Toxicology Alicia Timme-Laragy UMass Amherst M 2:30PM 5:00PM
PUBHLTH 390K 01 LEC MCH in the Developing World Nancy Eckhert UMass Amherst M 4:40PM 7:10PM
PUBHLTH 390LV 01 LEC Cancer and the Environment Laura Vandenberg UMass Amherst M 3:00PM 6:00PM
PUBHLTH 390P 01 LEC Case Studies/US Health Policy Laura Attanasio UMass Amherst TU TH 8:30AM 9:45AM
PUBHLTH 396 01 IND Independent Study Gloria DiFulvio UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
PUBHLTH 396 02 IND Independent Study Gloria DiFulvio UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
PUBHLTH 396ISH 01 IND Hnr Indstu in PubHlth UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
PUBHLTH 397A 01 LEC ST-Intro to Global Health Nancy Eckhert UMass Amherst M 2:30PM 3:45PM; W 2:30PM 3:45PM
PUBHLTH 398 01 PRA Practicum/Internship Gloria DiFulvio UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
PUBHLTH 398 02 PRA Practicum/Internship Megan Griffin UMass Amherst W 4:00PM 6:30PM
PUBHLTH 398 03 PRA Practicum/Internship Gloria DiFulvio UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
PUBHLTH 398 04 PRA Practicum/Internship Megan Griffin UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
PUBHLTH 420 01 LAB The DNA Experience Richard Pilsner UMass Amherst W 1:00PM 4:00PM
PUBHLTH 450 01 LEC Comparative Health Care System Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
PUBHLTH 490D 01 SEM Chronic Disease Epidemiology Susan Hankinson UMass Amherst M 4:00PM 6:30PM
PUBHLTH 490J 01 LEC Reproductive Justice Gloria DiFulvio UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
PUBHLTH 490ST 01 LEC TellingStories/DataStatModelVi Nicholas Reich UMass Amherst TU TH 10:00AM 11:15AM
PUBHLTH 490W 01 LEC Water, Culture & Public Health Timothy Ford UMass Amherst TU TH 10:00AM 11:15AM
PUBHLTH 494CI 01 LEC Public Health Sciences Capston Aline Gubrium UMass Amherst M 4:00PM 6:30PM
PUBHLTH 494CI 02 LEC Public Health Sciences Capston Ning Zhang UMass Amherst TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM
PUBHLTH 494CI 03 LEC Public Health Sciences Capston Edward Calabrese UMass Amherst TU TH 10:00AM 11:15AM
PUBHLTH 494CI 04 LEC Public Health Sciences Capston Nicole VanKim UMass Amherst TU TH 11:30AM 12:45PM
PUBHLTH 496ISH 01 IND Hnr Indstu in PubHlth UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
PUBHLTH 497D 01 LEC ST-Intro/Stat Computing with R Stephen Lauer UMass Amherst F 9:05AM 9:55AM
PUBHLTH 497E 01 SEM ST-GlobalPerspctve/Women'sHlth Elizabeth Bertone-Johnson UMass Amherst TU 3:35PM 6:05PM
PUBHLTH 499N 01 SEM Hons Project-PubPol&CitizenAct Ellen Correa UMass Amherst TU 4:00PM 7:00PM
PUBHLTH 499P 01 IND Honors Project UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
PUBHLTH 499T 01 IND Honors Thesis UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
PUBHLTH 499Y 01 IND Honors Research UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
PUBHLTH HI160 01 IND My Body, My Health (HnrsInd) Daniel Gerber UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
PUBHLTH HI160 02 IND My Body, My Health (HnrsInd) Andrea Ayvazian UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
PUBHLTH HI200 01 IND Intro to Public Health HnrsInd Michael Begay UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
PUBHLTH HI390L 01 IND Cancer & Environment (HrsInd) UMass Amherst 1:00AM 1:00AM
PUBP&ADM 110 01 SEM Intro/Community Engagement Ellen Pader UMass Amherst TU TH 2:30PM 3:45PM
PUBP&ADM 320 01 LEC Public Administration Meredith Rolfe UMass Amherst TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM
PUBP&ADM 397EV 01 LEC ST-Environmental Economics Marta Vicarelli UMass Amherst W 1:25PM 4:25PM
PUBP&ADM 397M 01 SEM ST-Making/Difference:SocChange Elizabeth Schmidt UMass Amherst M W 10:10AM 11:25AM