Women,Gender,Sexuality Studies 275 - Literature & Social Justice

Laura Ciolkowski

M W F 9:00AM 9:50AM

UMass Amherst
To be Announced by Department
This is an interdisciplinary and intersectional exploration of the critical, aspirational, and creative forms that Justice takes in literature and the humanities more broadly. Approaching justice through the lens of social justice feminism, gender and sexuality studies, and critical race theory, this course will ask: What are the tangled roots of inequality and the legacies of sexual, racial, and economic (in)justice and how does the study of literature provide us with strategies, artistic models, and creative blueprints for imagining more just worlds? How does literature engage with, interrogate, and reimagine the ethical, social, and political questions at the heart of gender, race, and social justice and, finally, what is the role of the literary and artistic imagination in the world-making labor of social and political change? (Gen. Ed. AL, DU)

This section is part of the Jail Education Initiative.

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.