Public Health 223 - Intro/Biostats for PUBHLTH

Sofija Zagarins

M W F 11:15AM 12:05PM

UMass Amherst
Furcolo Carney Fam Auditorium
This introductory course is designed to give students the basic skills to organize and summarize data, along with an introduction to the fundamental principles of statistical inference. The course emphasizes an understanding of statistical concepts and interpretation of numeric data summaries along with basic analysis methods, using examples and exercises from medical and public health studies. The course does not require a high-level mathematics background, and will highlight the use and integration of statistical software, spreadsheets and word processing software in conducting and presenting data summaries and analyses.

Open to sophomore, junior, and senior KIN or PUBHLTH students. Students who cannot self-enroll or do not meet the restrictions please submit a request on

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.