History 161 - Hst-Africa Snc 1500

Elizabeth Jacob

TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM

UMass Amherst
Herter Hall room 206
African and European imperialism, nationalism, and independence; how these developments have changed the life and culture of African people. (Gen.Ed. HS, DG)

This survey course examines African history from the 16th century to the present. It focuses on three major developments in African history: slavery and the rise of global capitalism; colonial conquest and rule; and decolonization and the end of empire. As we study African-authored essays, novels, art, music, and film, we will explore how African women and men experienced these periods of complex political, economic, and cultural change. Throughout, we will pay particular attention to the ?making? of African history. Who writes African history? Whose voices are centered? Whose voices are marginalized? For more information, email Professor Elizabeth Jacob: lizjacob@umass.edu.

VIEW POSTER: https://bit.ly/hist161(link is external)

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