Communication 446 - Film Documentary


TU 4:45PM 5:35PM

UMass Amherst
Integ. Learning Center N345
We will view, analyze, and discuss films from the recent past and present from a filmmaker?s perspective, along with some limited hands-on work in pre-production techniques. Students will view, analyze, and critique works from modern documentary masters such as Betsy West & Julie Cohen ("RBG"), Michael Moore ("Where to Invade Next"), Questlove ("Summer of Soul"), Robert Kenner ("Food Inc."), and others to further their understanding of the documentarian's art and craft.

Open to seniors & juniors only. COMM 140, 231, 340, 342, 493E This course was formerly numbered as COMM 493F. If you have already taken COMM 493F you cannot take this course.

Multiple required components--lab and/or discussion section. To register, submit requests for all components simultaneously.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.