Biostatistics 748 - Applied Survival Analysis

Raji Balasubramanian

TU TH 11:30AM 12:45PM

UMass Amherst
Lederle Grad Res Tower rm 202
The analysis of time to event data focusing on applications of regression models to right censored data. Particular emphasis on the use and interpretation of the pro-portional hazards model. Prerequisite: PUBHLTH 640.

Open to Graduate students only. Pre Req: PUBHLTH 640 Must have taken Pubhlth 640 or have permission of instructor to enroll in the class
UG require instructor permission.
This course is a course where instruction is delivered across different modalities ( is external)). Students have the option to attend either in-person (at the Amherst campus) or online. If you choose to attend class virtually, you are required to join the Zoom meeting synchronously.

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.