Geosciences 579 - ST-Programing & Data Analysis

William Clement

TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM

UMass Amherst
Morrill Sci. Ctr. (I) rm N336
Modern Earth and Environmental Scientists deal with complex and often very large data sets that are typically not useful or understandable in raw form. Thus, quantitative data analysis skills are highly desired and useful in Earth Science sub-disciplines. This course provides an introduction to processing, visualizing, and interpreting quantitative Earth and Environmental Science data using scientific computing techniques widely used in the Earth Sciences. Computational methods and visualization will be performed using the computing language python. The course will teach you the basics of computer programming with particular application to problems and approaches in the Earth Sciences.

Open to Seniors, Juniors and Graduate students only. Students should complete MATH 127 or equivalent calculus course before taking this class.

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.