Speech, Language,& Hearing Sci 230 - American Sign Language III
Dana Hoover
TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM
UMass Amherst
Arnold Room 101
Students learn the skills to communicate in a wider array of situations, further develop their language fluency, and advance their level of comprehension of ASL in culturally appropriate ways. Grammar is introduced in context, with an emphasis on developing questioning and answering skills. Interaction activities allow students to rehearse what they have learned. Additional information about the Deaf community and Deaf culture will be included. This course is appropriate for students who have taken American Sign Language, Level II or equivalent proficiency in the past.
SLHS 120 This section is open to UMASS Students only. If this class is closed or you are unable to register, you can sign up for a waiting list at the following link: https://forms.gle/nhHkak7bXsTRwa7f9