Natural Resources Conservation 573 - Behavioral Eco & Conservation

Paige Warren

M W 4:00PM 5:15PM

UMass Amherst
Holdsworth Hall room 211
How does an understanding of behaviors and their adaptive significance contribute to conservation of an animal species? We will focus on fundamentals of animal behavior and review studies where the application of animal behavior is relevant in wildlife protection. We will see how theory and data gathered through traditional and new techniques in animal behavior and behavioral ecology can be used to understand the impact of ongoing anthropogenic threats. Class time will be used to discuss textbook chapters and scientific papers and to present team projects. We will review the research process with a focus on honing the skills required to garner background information, to pose clear questions and state hypotheses, and to imagine the methods and type of data generated to test the hypotheses.

Open to junior and senior NRC and ENVIRSCI students and ECO grad students. BIOLOGY 151/110 or 152

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.