Film Studies 411 - 16mm Filmmaking and Technology

David Bendiksen

F 1:00PM 3:45PM

UMass Amherst
Integ. Lrng Center S404
This course is an introductory workshop in 16mm single-camera filmmaking, linear editing, and film projection intended for students interested in pursuing further creative production and coursework in film, especially toward completion of the Major or Certificate in Film Studies. Because the skills utilized in analog filmmaking can build upon but are in part discrete from those learned in video production, most students will have prior experience with photography or videography, though this is not strictly required. Creative work is complemented by a rigorous selection of readings and screenings. Exploration of technological possibilities to broaden student creativity will be emphasized, and the development of personal vision and style will be stressed.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.