Geology 101H - The Earth hons
Isla Castaneda
TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM
UMass Amherst
Morrill Sci. Ctr. (II) rm 225
This course is designed to acquaint you with how the Earth functions, how it is changing, how its features shape human society, and how we change the Earth through our actions. You should leave this course with greater understanding about the age and composition of the earth, the processes governing Earth's climate, environments in which different rocks are found, processes that shape our landscape, and how these influence and shape our lives. You can expect to become better at observing the world around you, to gain an understanding of the geological processes that shape our landscapes, to develop skills applying logic to understand natural phenomena, and to recognize the large role that geologic distributions of natural resources and hazards plays in shaping human society. Because of the ever-increasing demand for resources, the growing exposure to natural hazards, and Earth's changing climate, geology is of considerable societal relevance.
10 seats are reserved for freshmen and 10 seats reserved for sophomores
Multiple required components--lab and/or discussion section. To register, submit requests for all components simultaneously.