Geography 110 - Intro to Climate Science

Timothy Cook

TU TH 2:30PM 3:45PM

UMass Amherst
Thompson Hall room 102
This course is about the past, present, and future of global climate and environmental change. The fate of the climate system should be of interest to everyone; we will experience effects of climate change throughout the rest of our lives. This course is structured to help you better understand and to communicate: (1) the historical evolution in our understanding of climate change and the climate system; (2) how past and present climate data are obtained and applied using the scientific method to support the principles of climate science; (3) the roles that climate plays in affecting the natural world and our built environment, (4) how climate change has and will continue to impact human activities and society; (5) solutions for adaptation and mitigation to climate change and their connections with environmental justice. (Gen. Ed. PS)

Geography, Geology, Earth Systems and Environmental Science majors should enroll in GEOG 110 Section 02. 60 seats in Section 01 are reserved for freshmen and 50 seats reserved for sophomores

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.