Women,Gender,Sexuality Studies 394H - S-Critical Race Feminisms

Alexandrina Deschamps
TU TH 2:30PM 3:45PM
UMass Amherst
This course will explore the intersection of race and gender and other components of social identity from an interdisciplinary perspective. It will address and respond to the unique challenges of the inter and intra relationships of women of color with feminism, locally and globally. One of the tasks will be to (re)-visit, (re)-vision, (re)-counter existing theories and bodies of knowledge, as well as analyze how historical and contemporary realities of women of color are profoundly influenced by a legacy of structural inequalities that is neither linear nor logical. The approach to this course will be to pay particular attention to critical analysis and the importance of understanding and applying knowledge - not just "knowing". We will explore a range of activist practices of resistance and their practical applications. By the end of the semester students should be able to have mastered arguments regarding a number of Critical Race Feminist themes and issues with sensitivity, eloquence, and grounded analysis.
WGSS 201, 301, or 200+ This course fulfills the theory requirement for majors and the critical race feminisms distribution requirement. Please note: one course does not count towards two requirements.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.