Women,Gender,Sexuality Studies 297TC - ST-Intro/Trans* Studies

Sonny Nordmarken
TU TH 4:00PM 5:15PM
UMass Amherst
This course will introduce students to the epistemologies and analyses of the field of transgender studies. We will investigate the following questions. How do processes of knowledge-production and regimes of gender, racism, colonization, ableism, empire, medical and legal regulation, and social interaction work to simultaneously produce, police, and erase trans and gender nonconforming bodies? How do cultural assumptions of sex as fixed and binary shape interpretive frames and thus policies, institutions, administrative systems and social practices that trans people must negotiate? How do trans and gender nonconforming people resist normatization, misrepresentation, and erasure? Through active engagement, we will build a critical analytical framework around contemporary trans politics and theory.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.