Univ Interdepartmental Course 198SF - STEM- Program for Soph - Fall

Margaret Riley;Carolyn Gardner
M 5:30PM 7:30PM
UMass Amherst
This course builds upon the Freshman STEM Ambassadors Program Experience. The sophomore experience is approximately 50% research experience & 50% STEM AP programming. Students will be in small groups with a faculty mentor for the research experience and it will involve some combination of the following types of activities: (i) participating in a lab-based journal club, (ii) attending lab meetings, (ii) touring the laboratory, (iii) attending lab-based seminars, (iv) perhaps engaging in a research project or lab tasks if appropriate, (v) being advised by the faculty member, (vi) being mentored by the graduate student. The goal of this part of the experience is to connect students with labs and connect faculty with students who in later years may be well suited for more independent work. In addition to the research experience, The STEM AP program will continue to support the students through one-on-one mentoring, further skills development workshops, and occasional social events to build our community.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.