Univ Interdepartmental Course 198M - STEM Mentoring Program

Margaret Riley;Carolyn Gardner
W 2:20PM 6:00PM
UMass Amherst
The main goal of the STEM mentoring program is to increase middle school students? STEM content knowledge and career interest through authentic scientific inquiry in a mentored after-school program. As a STEM Mentor you will build relationships with at-risk youth that support student self-efficacy as well as building key life and career skills.
This mentoring program works in partnership with the Connections after school program in the Holyoke Public School District. Students that enroll in this course will travel to schools in Holyoke once a week and lead middle school students through engaging activities to inspire and excite students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). You will regularly reflect on your mentoring experiences. Transportation is provided.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.