Univ Interdepartmental Course 198 - Freshman STEM Ambassadors Prog

Margaret Riley;Carolyn Gardner
M 5:30PM 7:30PM
UMass Amherst
The overall goal of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Ambassadors Program is to increase levels of retention and graduation of STEM students and increase the number of students who enroll in graduate studies or pursue careers in STEM fields
Freshmen work in small groups with a pair of graduate student mentors that they select based on STEM interests. They engage in a variety of activities related to STEM research and engagement. Students experience the STEM research culture at the university explore research happening on campus at UMASS Amherst. The design of the STEM Ambassadors Program takes into account the fact that choosing a career in STEM is a decision that is not just academic, but also involves choosing a lifestyle and understanding the possible outcomes of a STEM major.
This program provides academic support, advising and extracurricular activities that will allow students to strengthen the transferable skills needed to succeed in STEM coursework, the laboratory, and beyond and to actually imagine and experience what a career in STEM might mean.
All Freshmen interested in participating can find more information at stemambassadorprogram.org
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.