Theater 494AI - Actor/Director Collaborations

Regina Kaufmann;Louis Moreno
M W 10:10AM 1:10PM
UMass Amherst
This course provides the most intensive collaborative opportunity for actors and directors to work together in our department. Directors and actors have an equal voice in the collaborative process, with the goals of: Understanding and experiencing one another's roles; Being able to communicate personal perspectives in a group; and Respecting and integrating the perspectives of collaborators. This course provides multiple opportunities for students to draw on previous learning experiences, both in the theater and in General Education courses, primarily through researching various cultures and time periods and the necessity of putting this research into practice through their interpretation of characters and scenes. Written work, such as text analysis assignments or character biographies, are done individually, but shared with the small scene group. Scene groups usually have four to seven actors and one director. Students work collaboratively to prepare the scene, show their performance work to their classmates, receive extensive feedback from both their classmates and the faculty leader, and show their work for a second time approximately two weeks later. Satisfies the Integrative Experience requirement for BA-Theatr majors.
Open to Theater majors only. Pre Req: THEATER 342
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.