Sustainable Community 591G - S-Urban Greening Theory & Prac

Theodore Eisenman
TU 5:30PM 8:15PM
UMass Amherst
Since the rise of urban civilization, vegetated public space has been a strategy to enhance the experience of living in cities. The purpose of this course is to explore the theoretical and practical expressions of this urban greening aspiration, defined here as the introduction or conservation of outdoor flora in cities. Toward this goal, the course is organized in two parts: First, we will analyze the various discourses that have, and are currently, animating urban greening practice. Second, we will explore how urban greening is expressing itself in cities around the world today. This combined inquiry into theory and practice will enhance students' ability to develop urban greening strategies that respond to the needs of 21st century cities.
Course will accept upper level undergraduates (Juniors and Seniors) as well as Graduate students.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.