Stockbridge Sch of Agriculture 692A - S-Topics in Plant-Path Intract

Daniel Cooley;Robert Wick;Geunhwa Jung
F 3:30PM 5:00PM
UMass Amherst
One of the key issues threatening plant production in agriculture and the landscape is plant disease, particularly growing threats from new infectious pathogens. In this journal club we will focus on research papers that describe plant-microbe interactions, with specific reference to plant diseases and their management. Modern ?omic? methods have greatly increased understanding of how pathogens attack plants, how plants defend themselves, and how non-pathogenic microbes play a role in disease defense. We will address the plant microbiome, the phytobiome, as well as the impact of typical plant disease management methods on plant/microbe ecology, and how a better understanding of plant-microbe interactions could enable development of more sustainable plant disease management.
Open to Graduate students only. Open to Graduate Students and Advanced Undergraduates with permission of the instructors.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.