Service Learning 298 - Practicum

Katja Hahn D'Errico
W 6:00PM 8:00PM
UMass Amherst
Practicum for Civic Engagement and Service-Learning
This course is for students who have completed the IMPACT! residential academic program.

This two credit practicum course offers former IMPACT! students continuing at their service sites the opportunity to reflect on their service after leaving the IMPACT! program and receive academic credit for this time.

The aim of this practicum is to foster continued reflection and shared-meaning, to build a community, and to continue the meaning-making of service learning. Students will continue to volunteer approximately two-three hours of service each week.

Students will meet every three weeks to discuss assigned materials (readings and videos posted on Moodle), and peers? responses to the assigned two-page service reflection. The readings and reflections will correspond to a weekly theme (sustainability, spirituality, etc). The final paper at the end of the semester will reflect on the experience as a whole.
Varies from 1 to 6 credits
Permission is required for interchange registration during all registration periods.