Sport Management 300 - Sport Leadership

Mark McDonald
TU TH 10:00AM 11:15AM
UMass Amherst
This course is based on the premise that while knowledge of leadership that is captured by readings, structured, and presented by professors in the classroom is a valuable tool for learning, it can be complemented by learning directly from experienced sport executives. This process of combining theory with leadership lessons from the "real world" will require you to read, reflect, write, and prepare diligently for 4-5 visits from top executives in the sport industry. The following leadership components will be addressed and examined in this course: effective and ineffective leadership traits, attributes, and behaviors; transformational and developmental perspectives; team leadership; and crisis management, among other components.
Open to Senior & Junior Sport Management majors only. Pre Req: MANAGMNT 301 If you have already taken SPORTMGT 595C, you cannot take this class.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.