Sociology 103 - Social Problems

Yalcin Ozkan
M W 2:30PM 3:45PM
UMass Amherst
Introduction to sociology. America's major social problems--past and present--are examined. These include crime, mental health, drug addiction, family tensions and inequalities based on race, gender, ethnicity and social class.
(Gen.Ed. SB, U)
Open to first year Exploring Society RAP students in Wheeler. SOCIOL 103-02

In this course, we will delve into a variety of social problems in the United States through the lenses of contemporary sociological literature.
(1) We will begin the course by answering how sociology, as a discipline, identifies and researches social problems. This endeavor will enable us to further understand the connection of our individual experiences to broader historical and structural factors.
(2) We will also explore how class, race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality produce and are produced through social inequalities. Throughout the semester, we will see the varied ways in which these categories intersect and how these intersections shape individuals? lives in various, and in many times, asymmetrical ways.
(3) In addition, we will devote our attention to how criminal justice, education, and health care institutions participate in the generation and enactment of social problems, or why these institutions cannot be effective in the diminution of existing social inequalities.
(4) We will end our discussions on social problems by covering expanding environmental problems threatening our livelihoods.

This is to say, in every part of this course, we will deal with difficult social realities. However, this endeavor will encourage us to think together on what a more equal and just society can be. In line with this, at the final stage, we will cover the issue of social change by contemplating on an open ended question: What can we do?
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.