Isenberg School of Management 522 - Financial Acctg II

Paul Kelliher
TU TH 10:00AM 11:15AM
UMass Amherst
Continuation of Accountg 521. A conceptual framework for accounting for a firm's reported liabilities. Focus on the nature of liabilities, and issues regarding their recognition, measurement, and disclosure. Liabilities covered include bonds, leases, pensions, other postretirement benefits, and current and deferred income taxes. Also, accounting for stockholders' equity, earnings per share measures, and statement of cash flows. Motivations of management in choosing among acceptable accounting alternatives in each of these areas examined, along with the economic consequences of such choices. Prerequisite: SCH-MGMT 521 or equivalent.
Open to ISOM Graduate students. ACCTG 321 & 371 or SCH-M521 This class is combined with Accountg 322-01
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