Isenberg School of Management 397J - S-Special Topics in Mentorship

John Aube
1:00AM 1:00AM
UMass Amherst
Isenberg freshman are brought together in small groups with an Isenberg upper-level student mentor. The mentor serves as a knowledgeable resource and support system for the individual as well as the group during their first year of college. Benefits of the mentorship program include but are not limited to: immediate connection with an experienced Isenberg student, meeting other first-year students who share similar academic and/or extracurricular interests, and a friendly supportive environment to share experiences and/or concerns. Mentors are expected to meet with mentees two times a month as well as have weekly contact. Both must be documented in a journal and submitted to instructor. Mentors are expected to attend all events outlined in syllabus.
This course is open to Senior, Junior, & Sophomore Isenberg School of Management majors only.
Permission is required for interchange registration during all registration periods.