Isenberg School of Management 333 - Principles of Real Estate

Robert Wilson
TU TH 11:30AM 12:45PM
UMass Amherst
Principles of Real Estate is an introductory course in Real Estate. Topics covered will include Real property rights; Real property taxation; Conveying real property rights; Real estate brokerage and Listing Contracts; Contracts for sale; Basic forms of ownership; Management of real estate; Government regulation, planning and zoning; Market Determinants of value; Introduction to investment property analysis; Market and feasibility analysis; Leases; Mortgages and bank lending; Default and foreclosure; and bankruptcy.

While this course does not prepare you to take the MA sales license exam, it does satisfy the mandatory pre-license educational requirement of the Massachusetts Board of Registration of Real Estate Salespersons license. Industry experts will visit the class as guest speakers.
This course is open to Senior, Junior, & Sophomore Isenberg School of Management majors only. ACCOUNTG 221 Isenberg School of Management seniors should complete the BBA course override request if interested in taking SCH-MGMT 333.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.