Isenberg School of Management 197V - ST-BusiTech:InfraRedes/Millenn

Agha Iqbal Ali
TU 2:30PM 3:20PM
UMass Amherst
Students will engage in lively conversations about how products and services will be produced and consumed in ensuing decades of the 21st Century. Discussions will be motivated by readings that include how technologies have evolved and how technological and cybernetic infrastructures impact and define business processes and the delivery of products and services. Students will engage in strategic planning exercises focused on the redesign of infrastructure for product and service delivery to meet demand in a marketplace dominated by the technologically savvy Millennial cohort.
Open to students in the Business Technologies ISOM Honors RAP. This course is open to students in the Isenberg Honors Business Technologies RAP (Oak Hall).
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.