Resource Economics 162 - Consumer In Society

Irene Mussio Garcia
TU TH 11:30AM 12:45PM
UMass Amherst
An introduction to Consumer Economics and the role that consumers play including their decision-making and market and non-market consumption activities. Focus on contemporary consumer economic issues in addition to topics such as consumer rights and responsibilities, the impact of advertising, use of consumer credit, product safety, consumer fraud, and legal protections available to consumers. (Gen.Ed. SB)
Open to first year Investigating Consumerism RAP students in Cance. RES-ECON 162-02

This course provides an analysis of the crucial role that consumers play in society including their consumption activities as well as their decision-making. An interdisciplinary perspective will be used - research findings from a variety of disciplines will be applied to better understand consumers? economic decisions. Critical thinking skills will be used to examine a variety of contemporary consumer economic issues in addition to topics such as consumer rights and responsibilities, the impact of advertising, use of consumer credit, product safety, consumer fraud, and legal protections available to consumers.

During the course we will:

(1) Identify how you and your classmates behave as consumers over time and how interactions influence tastes, preferences and behavior
(2) Learn and develop skills to work collaboratively in a group ?
(3) Analyze a market from a consumer perspective as well as a multidisciplinary perspective
(4) Read and discuss many current and relevant issues that affect you as a consumer

We will also play some games, eat some treats, watch documentaries and talks that are directly related to the course and show how some concepts we will see in the class impact your everyday life!
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.