Public Policy & Administration 651 - Soc Ineqults,Technol&PubPolicy

Martha Fuentes-Bautista
M 5:30PM 8:00PM
UMass Amherst
This seminar examines how communication policy has addressed social equity issues in light of domestic and global structural and technological transformations of the last two decades. We will focus on how notions of access, diversity, expression, control and development have evolved within the structure of the U.S. and global communication policy regimes, discussing their implications for social exclusion. Some of the debates addressed by this seminar include: policy implications of different conceptualizations of ICT gaps (from digital divide to digital inequalities and digital citizenship), persistent access gaps and current formulations of broadband policy, and social media, public participation and copyright issues. Throughout the course, we will reflect on issues of power, democratization and inclusion by keeping a critical eye on the ends and means by which advocate groups, community organizations, and citizens participate in the policy process, and in the development of interventions designed to addressed digital gaps. While the focus of the class is on U.S. policy, international cases from Latin America and Africa will be examined for their import to current discussions on the consolidation of more democratic and inclusive communication systems.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.