Psychology & Brain Sciences 891WM - S-Visual Attention Working Mem

Kyle Cave
TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM
UMass Amherst
Not all the information in a visual scene can be processed at once; an attention mechanism selects some parts over others. Research in visual attention has produced a large number behavioral studies, including ERP and fMRI experiments measuring the brain activity underlying visual selection, and computational models of these selection mechanisms. We will select some of the key studies and examine them in detail. Attention determines what information is admitted into working memory, and the contents of working memory can in turn affect the allocation of attention. Working memory is also closely linked with conscious awareness. Experiments show that visual items can be selected by attention without becoming part of visual awareness, and we may also examine claims that some stimuli can make it into awareness without attention. Evidence from these studies leads to the question of whether we are coming closer to an understanding of the nature of consciousness.
Open to Graduate Psychology majors only. Other students may seek permission from the instructor to enroll.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.