Psychology & Brain Sciences 494RI - Intrdscplnry Directns in Psych

TU 2:30PM 3:45PM
UMass Amherst
The Psychology IE course will focus on the content areas of Psychology as they relate to real-world problems. We will consider areas of Psychology where our majors may be employed after graduation. The course will be organized into a series of six units. Each unit will be introduced and discussed in a lecture and carried over into recitation sections. Course content will represent each of the five areas of the department in various themes throughout the course; some themes will cross disciplinary boundaries contained within the department. Lectures, assignments, and activities will allow the students to integrate principles learned in general education courses by applying them to the psychology major. Over the course of the semester students will evaluate historical perspectives, generate written assignments, critique scientific research, give oral presentations, evaluate ethical principles, examine multicultural perspectives, and reflect on career development. Topics may include: Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs), Neuroethics: The Use and Implications of Brain Research, Psychology and the legal system, Multitasking, Underrepresented minority participation in research and practice and Psychology and public policy. Satisfies the Integrative Experience requirement for BA-Psych and BS-Psych majors.
Open to Senior and Junior Psychology majors only. PSYCH 241 & 392A
Multiple required components--lab and/or discussion section. To register, submit requests for all components simultaneously.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.