Psychology & Brain Sciences 391PA - S-Psychopathology/Child&Adolsc

Adam Grabell
TH 4:00PM 6:30PM
UMass Amherst
This course offers an introduction to the field of child and adolescent psychopathology. We will review contemporary approaches to understanding the clinical features, diagnosis, causes, developmental course, and prevention of major psychological disorders in childhood and adolescence. Core emphases include: l) Conceptual understanding. This fascinating field has been densely researched and the pace of knowledge growth is very rapid. Therefore, a key objective is to introduce conceptual tools that allow one to think critically about the nature of psychopathology in children and adolescents; 2) Developmental systems framework. The significance of children?s symptoms cannot be understood apart from the developmental and social contexts in which they occur. In order to understand the origins and development of psychopathology, we need complex theoretical approaches that synthesize knowledge about children's biological, psychological, and social functioning; 3) Integration of clinical and research-based knowledge. Throughout the course, first person accounts and case studies are used to enrich our understanding of research issues; research knowledge is essential in informing our ability to treat and prevent childhood disorders. The value of integrating research-based and clinical knowledge is strongly emphasized.
Open to Senior and Junior Psychology majors only. Pre Req: PSYCH 241 Psych 380 is a recommended prerequisite.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.